martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Is something wrong...

... with you if at 34 you've only dreamed something impossible once in your life?

The only impossible dream (it was literally a dream, like the ones you have at night while you sleep, when you can't help it, which is why I thought about something like that at all... because I'm not one to dream the impossible if I can help it, or when conscious) I have ever had, I had around 12 years ago, and I forgot about it for many, many years. I was at a concert. A DMB concert. In my dream I could feel the excitement, the good vibes, the happiness of knowing life can be enjoyable, that we're actually here on this earth to enjoy life... That "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we'll die" kind of feeling that we always experienced and hit a peak when dancing to DMB, which was almost everyday, every camping trip, definitely every get-together. And that actually was the way we were living life, up to some 11 years ago... This was truly the soundtrack of our lives.

And then real life came along, with the end of college and the beginning of jobs and my pregnancy and people sort of scattered here and there... And DMB started putting out these not so cool albums so I stopped listening to the new stuff for quite a couple of years... Until finally a new album came out that sounded as exciting as the old stuff, but still felt new... So it again became the soundtrack of my life... Tan la misma música, tan diferente yo...

So, happy bday to me... At 34, I am going, for the first time, to a concert of my all time favorite band... My "late youth" (as conventionalism would have it) has come back to haunt me in a most welcome way, the way where there are no regrets and especially no wanting to go back to those years or that age. I will simply grab some energy, joi de vivre and good vibes from back then, to add to the bountiful pot of wisdom and enamoramiento that I am slow-cooking for myself now, brujilla style.

Because 34, matched up quite well, and mother of two is most certainly a heck of a cool place to be in life, the way I figure it.